Saturday, January 31, 2009

We Might Not Have More Fun, But There are Other Benefits!

So I have been blond for exactly a week now, and the results have been very positive! A few reasons why I'm loving it:

1) A couple of guys at work said I looked "hot" (they then added "well, hotter than usual", which I thought was very nice, even though it was an obvious lie)
2) I don't have to wear as much makeup, the blond-ness doesn't wash me out as much as dark hair
3) My hair looks clean a lot longer. I haven't washed my hair in almost three days, and it feels nasty, but it just looks like I used a little too much styling product

I'm still not sure if blond's have more fun, I haven't been in a very fun environment the last few days. Once I do some more research I will be sure to report back!

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