Friday, December 7, 2012

Connecting the Dots

I was looking on Facebook today, and noticed a comment from someone I met when I first moved to San Antonio. I clicked on her profile, just to see what she was up to (yes, I Facebook stalk. It’s not a crime!), and I saw that she now has two kids! What the heck? She was just about to get married when I met her. Then I realized that I have lived in San Antonio for four and half years. That’s a really long time! It seems like it wasn’t very long ago that I pulled into town with everything I owned in a UHaul truck. The chain of events that brought me here is so crazy.

Everything happened so fast, I was here before I really had a chance to think about it. One morning I woke up and realized that I lived in Texas. I. Lived. In. TEXAS. It took a few months for that to really sink in! (It also took a few months to get over the disappointment that my chances of meeting George Strait hadn’t significantly increased…)

My favorite memory from moving here (other than my dad taking a Greyhound bus to Phoenix so he could drive my UHaul back to San Antonio – Love you pops!!) is rolling into town in the afternoon, finding my new house, and before we unpacked anything we went down to the Riverwalk. The weather was muggy and exotic feeling (Growing up in the dry desert, I associated mugginess with exoticness. Now I just associate it with bad hair days!!), and the whole river was packed with people having fun. The atmosphere was amazing, and I just couldn’t believe that I lived in such a cool place. I’m still as in love with the river as I was that day!

I had a few freak outs (mostly related to getting lost every time I left the house, seriously Texas, what’s up with these roads??), a few mornings when I woke up and wondered why the heck I had moved a thousand miles away from anyone I knew, but overall, moving here was one of the best things I have EVER done.

Looking back at the last four and a half years, I see how everything fell into place just like it was supposed to. It reminds me of one of my favorite quotes:

“You can't connect the dots looking forward. You can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something: your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.”

Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Address, 2005

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