Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Oops, I Did it Again

So I have this bad habit of not being able to say no to anything. It's not that I am a push over, or that I hate letting people down, I just like to be involved, and really want to do everything. So I have the tendency to take on too much, and then complain about how stressed I am. Every time I do it, I swear it will never happen again. And then it does.

So it turns out the classes I am doubling up on are both really time consuming. Bad time to double up. And I am going to New Mexico two weekends in a row for my little sister's graduation, and to see my new niece! And my grandma is visiting. And I just got called to serve as the enrichment counselor for the Relief Society. All of these things are so exciting (other than the classes!) and I love every single one of them, but everything at the same time?? Plus work has been crazy the past couple of weeks.

I want to crawl under my bed and come out in a month when this is all over, but I have tons of stuff stored under there, and we are having an ant problem, so it wouldn't be very comfortable. I always come out of these situations just fine, so I'm sure it will work out again. And maybe this time I will learn my lesson!

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